BEC Currency Converter

by Androizen


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Get access to the all the currency rates from BEC Kuwait anytime and anywhere. It uses 3G, 4G or Wifi (depending on what is available) to get the latest rates over the internet. It also has a currency convertor to convert to and from other currencies as well as the latest offers and promotions from us You can now make your app experience consistent across various devices with the new registration/login feature.
What's New
1. Brand new interface
2. Updated code to support newer devices
3. Updated rates list to include additional rates fields
4. Currency Convertor is now even more easier to use than before
5. See all the latest offers and promotions
6. You can now register and save upto 5 of your favourite currencies in the app, without having to scroll through the entire list.
7. Log in with your account on any number of devices to load your favourite currencies (requires a valid account).
8. Automatic login every time you use the app (unless you log out).